Posted on April 28, 2013
Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kick Off 2013
Since we weren’t thru hiking the PCT this year, we decided we may as well attend the ADZPCTKO (“Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kick Off”) to see where it all begins. So after a hearty breakfast of homemade whole wheat pancakes (made by mua) we piled ourselves in the car heavy weight style and drove out to Lake Morena.
The Lake Morena campsite was completely booked and there were tents everywhere! Hikers were milling around casually looking at some goods offered by vendors selling hiking gear. Some of the hikers even wore name tags displaying their trail names (which is a fun PCT tradition).
We saw some cool gear most notable being the stuff made with the newest ultralight technology material called cuben fiber. Simon can’t wait to get his hands on some of this stuff! I wonder what he will sew. Whatever it will be I know it will be light!
I enjoyed looking at backpacks even though they were blatant ripoffs of Ray Jardine’s designs. I am interested in making my own backpack but not sure where to begin or when I will ever find the chance to figure it out!
And so the season has begun! Our thoughts go out to the hikers on the PCT this year for a happy and safe time on the trail! Hopefully we will catch some of them when we go out for some section day hikes this spring and summer.
Before we left we walked out to the lake hoping to stick our feet in to cool off a bit but there was a sign posted for no swimming.