Posted on January 29, 2020
An Epic Voyage at Sea
For my birthday I gave myself a 1987 Capri 14.2 sailboat, Lil’ Devil. Over the summer we’ve been learning the ropes and putting her through her paces and it was finally time to go on a real voyage – to the Oceanside Pier and back!

Posted on October 22, 2019
A Humbling Experience

Mile 209 – 266 (57 miles)
I parked the car at the 10 freeway at Cottonwood Rd, Cabazon. The PCT crosses here, and it’s where I’d left off on the last section. It was about 5pm when I started hiking up towards the Mesa Wind Farm. At this time of year sunset is around 6:20pm so I didn’t have much time to find a spot. I found a protected nook in a dry wash in between some rocks and a tree and pitched the tarp in its wind-proof configuration.

Posted on June 3, 2019
Minor Hardship and a New P.R.

Mile 151 – 209 (58 miles)
I set out Friday to continue on the PCT, starting from Paradise Valley Cafe and aiming to end up at the Interstate 10 freeway. After parking the car near the trail where it intersects the 10 I hailed an Uber. Given that I was in the middle of nowhere I thought it would take a while for the Uber to come, but he arrived in about three minutes – barely enough time for me to get combobulated.

Posted on May 10, 2019
Scissors Crossing to Paradise Valley Cafe

Mile 77 – 151 (74 miles)
The snow has started to melt in Southern California and PCT season has begun! What better time to continue along the trail than now, along with the rest of the herd of thru-hikers?

Posted on May 17, 2017
The Mojave Road
We were pleasantly surprised with a call from Eric inviting us on an ‘overland’ trip on the famous Mojave Road. The road (originally a trail created by Mohave Native Americans) is now apparently one of the great overland trails of the USA, and travels from the Colorado River near Laughlin, Nevada, to a point on the Mojave River, near Newberry Springs, California. It’s mostly a dirt road, with ruts, washboards, some obstacles, mud, sand, one moderately challenging hill and a couple of deepish puddles. Enthusiastically we accepted the invitation, and away we went.

Posted on September 24, 2016
Yosemite Facelift
The Yosemite Climbing Association puts on a yearly event to clean up the park. We went to help pick up rubbish, and had a great time.

Posted on September 4, 2016
Marion Mountain Camping
We went on a camping trip to Idyllwild with our friends Joel, Amy and Meret. It was a blast!

Posted on February 1, 2016
Jalama Beach and SpaceX launch
We’ve been following SpaceX from home, watching their launches and landing attempts live whenever possible on the computer. They’re normally launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida, so when we heard that the launch of the Jason-3, a NASA / NOAA satellite, would take place from Vandenberg Air Force Base here in California we decided to go check it out.

Posted on December 10, 2015
Freezing Thanksgiving in the Desert
We joined a convoy of Vanagons and Westys (80’s VW buses) the day after Thanksgiving and headed out to the desert. It was a really cold night, dropping to 27 degrees F. But, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with all the fixins!

Posted on December 4, 2015
Airplane Attitude Indicator for the Car
When you’re off-road it’s a good idea not to flip your car over. Apparently it’s a commonly held rule-of-thumb that when the car is more than 30 degrees tilted around the ‘roll’ axis, a rollover is imminent (or has already happened).

Posted on December 3, 2015
Anza Borrego Abandoned Railway Station
We headed out for another quick camping trip with our off-road buds. Back to the desert, this time to the ruins of an old railway station somewhere near Ocitillo.

Posted on November 25, 2015
Weather Radio for the Car
In the USA, there’s a service provided by NOAA called Weather Radio. It is a continuous, automated voice reading weather conditions and forecasts. It sounds like this: Weather Radio Sample (from Wikipedia). In the event of weather alerts or emergencies, a special data signal is sent out which can be used to trigger alarms or other functions.