Posted on August 29, 2014
Palomar Mountain Observatory Camping
Our friends Joel Amy and Meret put together a spur of the moment camping trip up to the Palomar Mountain Observatory Campground. Away we went!
We had no reservations so we scoured the sites looking for an available spot. The one we eventually decided on wasn’t the best as it was really exposed, but there was a little table under a tree and we were just very happy to be out on a camping trip. We set up our new Tarp Tent for the first time! As Gabriel has grown, our home-made shelter has become a bit cramped so we bought this ultralight 3-person shelter. It’s basically a tarp with netting that hangs over the side and a bathtub floor. It’s really quick to set up, too.

Joel showed up in the van, and Gabriel was really excited to take a look at everything inside, especially lights, the fridge and the stove.
Gabriel and Meret played around like a couple of long-lost buddies.
It was then time to cook some dinner. We set up our trusty camping stove and started boiling water for some mashed potatoes. The flame fizzled out – we had run out of gas! Luckily we had plenty of options: Amy and Joel’s van has a two-burner stove, and the campsite had a sweet BBQ grill. We set a fire and dinner was saved!

Gabriel and Meret played with finding acorns on the tree, and then after some fantastic star-gazing we retired to bed.

We hung around a bit after breakfast, and then headed up to check out the Observatory. It was interesting! On the way home we managed to catch part of an Airshow and Car Show at Oceanside Airport.